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Annual Stamporee is coming!

One of my favorite events of the year is the Annual Stamporee. This year, it will be held on February 6th from 10am to 4pm. We'll be making 15 different cards - wow! Everyone will also receive a gift an a door prize.

We'll also be holding a raffle to benefit the Girl Scouts. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and the prizes are all Stampin'Up! products.

Box lunches are available that day from Honey Baked Ham for $10 each, or you can bring your own lunch. Due to current health concerns, we won't be doing a pot luck meal. If you'd like to bring individually wrapped snacks or single serve drinks to share, you are welcome to do so.

This is also the once a year paper crafting garage sale. Shop for great deals, or bring your gently used items to sell. All sale items must be marked with your name and the asking price. I would suggest you tape a piece of paper with that info on the item. I will handle sales and collect money and will pay you at the end of the event.

The deadline to pay and register is February 1st. You can go here to register online or you can contact me to pay in person or with a check.

I hope to see you there!



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