Sharing Stamporee!
We held our annual Stamporee event at the beginning of the month, so I wanted to share some photos. We made 15 different cards, had some great pot luck food, held a stampers garage sale, some door prizes and a raffle. We had an awesome birthday card swap. We also tried a new system of working at your own pace where you traveled around to the projects instead of bringing them to you. Mixed reviews. Pros - faster stampers liked it so they could work at their own pace / Cons - some of our stampers felt like they didn't have a home base to set up all their stamping supplies. Suggestions for next time? Maybe stay in one place for Christmas in August and move around for Stamporee? Suggestions welcome!!!! I think I got photos of everyone who attended, but I apologize if I missed you!

Here are the swappers! What a great group! I'll show half the swaps today and the rest tomorrow. As you can see, Magical Day was a popular set for this swap!

Check back tomorrow for more Stamporee!